
capstoneschoolreactrubysemantic ui

Working on a group project can be a challenging but rewarding experience, especially when the end result is a functional and useful app. My senior capstone project at UCSB was the development of an app called REALM. My role in the project was as a frontend engineer.

The purpose of the app is to aggregate rental listings from multiple sources and provide features that allow UCSB students to coordinate apartment hunting. This app aimed to make the rental process more efficient and user-friendly for students.

One of the biggest challenges we faced during the project was coordinating the different parts of the app and making sure they worked together seamlessly. However, through collaboration and effective communication, we were able to successfully develop an app that met our initial goals.

As a frontend engineer, my main responsibilities were to design the layout of the app and make sure it was user-friendly. I learned a lot about creating a visually appealing and intuitive interface.

This project really taught me about the software development process and gave me the confidence to work on my own projects. I learned about different stages of development and how to work effectively with a team. I also gained valuable experience in frontend development, which has been beneficial in my future projects.

Overall, working on this group project was a great learning experience and it was satisfying to see the final product come together. It was a great opportunity to gain experience in developing a functional app and it gave me the confidence to continue working on my own projects.

Built with ❤️ by Kevin Pham